Application of pressure changed vacuum drying plant: It's mainly used for vacuum drying process of transformers below 110KV and instrument transformers and bushings below 1000KV.
1. The variable pressure method is perfectly suitable for drying the insulation of electrical appliances. Compared with the traditional vacuum drying process, it can save 50% of the process time and 30% of energy.
2. According to the different physical structure, insulation material and the principle of vacuum drying on transformers, instrument transformers, and bushings, the drying process and control parameters of the variable pressure method can be adjusted properly.
3. The control process of the variable pressure method can be accurately controlled in an automatic control mode with the man-machine interface, and it avoids man's fault.
4. The design of the vacuum system is reasonable, the condensation drying effect is efficient, the performance of the vacuum pump is guaranteed, and the equipment can be running in a durable long lifetime.
Projects implemented:
Main parameters: VHD-144, 6×4×4 meters, double-door in an upturning open way, electric trolley, suitable for electrical appliances below 110KV and 63000KVA
Main parameters: φ3×4 meters, suitable for vacuum drying process of electrical appliances below 10000KVA
7m×4m×4m pressure changed vacuum drying plant (the electric side opening tank door, the electric trolley carries the products in or out)
Suitable for vacuum drying process of bushings and instrument transformers below 1000KV
The vacuum pumping system of 5m×4m×4m pressure changed vacuum drying plant
Part of User list:
TBEA Shenyang Transformer Co., Ltd.
XD Transformer Co., Ltd.
Changzhou XD Transformer Co., Ltd.
Tianwei Baobian Electric Co., Ltd.
Shandong Electric Power Group
ABB Transformer (Zhongshan)Co., Ltd.
Toshiba Transformer (Changzhou) Co., Ltd.